A Week of Success Stories at Ballyclare Music Festival

We have had an amazing week at Ballyclare Music Festival. Read about our pupils success stories below.

What an amazing start for us at Ballyclare Music Festival! First up were the Solo String classes. We are delighted that Sarah Dalzell was placed 2nd in the Year 9 to 10 class and Sviat Dontsov came a close runner-up in 3rd place. In the Year 11 to 12 class, Joel McClure was placed 1st with an excellent performance followed by Annabelle Brown in 2nd place and Lois Bell in 3rd. In the Year 13 and 14 class, there was a high standard of performance from all competitors. We are delighted to say that Joel Porter was placed 1st and Lauren Ferguson received 3rd place. In the string ensemble class, there was stiff competition but we rose to the challenge, and we are delighted that the Junior Strings were given 1st place followed closely by our Senior String ensemble who were placed 2nd.

Next up was the school orchestra who were awarded 1st place for a great performance of ‘Run’ by Snow Patrol and ‘Happy Days’.

In the afternoon, it was the turn of our pianists. Three pupils took part in the Year 9 to 10 class, and although they were not placed, they all played really well and did themselves proud. Well done to Lucy Spence who was awarded 3rd place in the Year 11 to 12 solo. Finally, the day was brought to a close with stunning performances in the Year 13-14 class and we are delighted to say that Hannah Gillespie was placed 1st and Lauren Ferguson 2nd.

Well done to everyone who took part. We are proud of all of you, and you are a credit to yourselves and our school.

Another amazing day full of great performances at Ballyclare Music Festival! Today it was the turn of our brass and vocal students. Ben Purdy started the day off with a great performance which gained him 2nd place. This was followed by Connor Coombs who was also awarded 2nd in the Year 11-12 class. The brass ensemble finished this section with a strong performance of ‘James Bond’ which gained them 1st place. Amazing results and we are proud of everyone who took part!

In the vocal classes Eve O’Leary-Jordon was awarded 2nd place in the Year 8 solo class. This was followed by Phoebe Johnston who was given Highly Commended in a very competitive Year 9-10 solo class. In the Year 13-14 class, Erin Ashe was also given Highly Commended and Connie Taylor was awarded 1st place for her amazing performance of ‘Pulled’. The day was brought to a close by Abigail Pye and Connie Taylor achieving 2nd place in the vocal duet class.

It was the turn of our woodwind and traditional performers. First up was the Year 9-10 class and we were delighted that all pupils were placed with Shannon Dougherty gaining 3rd place, Bethany Douglas 2nd place and Grace Martin being award 1st place for her great performance of ‘He’s a Pirate’. In a very competitive Year 11-12 class, we were delighted that Emma Taylor was awarded 2nd place for a lovely performance of ‘Holiday Time’.

In the woodwind ensemble class, the clarinet ensemble was award 1st place with the flute ensemble coming in a close 2nd.

Next, it was the traditional class in which our pipers and drummers dominated. Amazing results with Scott Simms being awarded Highly Commended, William Currie 3rd place, Oliver McIlwaine 2nd and Isaac Wylie 1st.

Our piping and drumming ensemble brought the day to a close with an amazing performance which led to many compliments from the adjudicator as well as a well deserved 1st.

Again, well done to everyone who took part in the festival yesterday. Regardless of the outcome we are so proud of all of you for taking part and thank you for all your hard work and commitment to the music department.

Today was the final day of Ballyclare Music Festival and what a great way to finish! Both the Senior and Junior Choirs performed to a very high standard and we are very proud of what they have achieved. It was a close call but the Senior Choir was awarded first place with the Junior Choir coming in second. We were also delighted to find out today that the clarinet ensemble was awarded the best instrumental ensemble of the festival and received a bursary of £100, and Isaac Wylie was awarded best overall instrumental performance of the festival with a bursary of £50. This is an amazing achievement, and we are very proud of all of you. Well done!!

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