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Head Boy and Head Girl 2023-2024

Jonas Verner and Hannah Caldwell have been appointed to the positions of Head Boy and Head Girl for 2023-24.  Read below their thoughts on their recent appointments and their plans for the incoming year.

Jonas Verner - Head Boy

What were your thoughts on the interview process?

I found the interview process to be very straightforward. It let me bring my ideas to the table in a professional manner. With the interview panel including members of the senior team as well as Heads of year, I believe this makes a fair and balanced system for both the staff and pupils.

Why do you think you were successful?

I believe that I’ve shown my dedication in various aspects of school life over my time at Ballyclare Secondary. I’ve learnt many useful skills and overcame many challenges in my classes as well in extra-curricular activities that have helped me get this position.

What are your roles and responsibilities? 

As Head Boy, I’m tasked with many roles within the School. I have to maintain a high standard in uniform, behaviour and many other aspects of school life. I’m also a role model for those in the younger years, to show what they can aspire to be. It’s vital that everyone feels safe and can have someone they can trust in, and the Head Boy/Girl need to be that person pupils and staff can rely on.

What plans do you have for the incoming year?

This academic year, I plan to help build on those Success Stories that made the school what it is today. I want to make sure no one is left behind and everyone is included in as much as possible, not only in school but in the wider community.

Hannah Caldwell - Head Girl

What were your thoughts on the interview process?

I feel the interview process was a fair, unbiased and suitable way of deciding who the positions would go to. Everyone had the same expectations to meet through our presentations that we gave. Furthermore, it was also very helpful as it gave each of us experience in partaking in an interview process.

Why do you think you were successful?

I think I was successful as I feel I come across as a responsible individual who would take the position seriously and I would take all my responsibilities to heart. Over the past 7 years, I have portrayed great commitment to all areas of school life through extra-curricular activities I have taken part in such as orchestra and choir. Within the Music Department, I hold the position of Music Mentor for Publicity and Orchestra and this role has helped me develop teamwork skills which will be essential during the course of this year. 

What are your roles and responsibilities?

As Head Girl, I have various roles and responsibilities within school. My overall role is to represent the entire student body as Head Girl alongside the Head Boy and Senior Prefect Team, at various functions and events both inside and outside of school including Open Night and the Remembrance Sunday Service. My responsibilities include being a role model, setting uniform standards and being a supportive member of our school to all pupils to create a positive learning environment. 

What plans do you have for the incoming year?

My aim for the incoming year is to continue to make Ballyclare Secondary a welcoming and safe environment for all pupils to have a chance to flourish in their own success story. Alongside the Head Boy, I wish to build upon requests for changes from members in our school community about various issues or areas within school. This is to ensure everyone feels that they are valued, have a sense of belonging and that they have a voice in our BSS family. Finally, my end term goal is to leave school knowing I have made a difference for every pupil moving up behind me. 

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