Anti-Bullying Week 2022

Monday 14th - Friday 18th November 2022.

In advance of this week our staff have been looking at resources provided by Safer Schools and the Northern Ireland Anti-Bullying Forum, so as to plan and prepare class assembly messages on the topic of bullying. This week is about encouraging children, young people, families and school communities to take positive action to challenge the harm and hurt caused by bullying.

Ofcom 2022 reports that 4/10 children aged 8-17 have experienced bullying, either online or offline. We all know that some acts are harmful and can stay with us for a long time and it is important for our young people to know who the trusted adults are in their lives, people they can turn to and confide in. We all have a part to play in prevention and positive action. This week, class teachers will be discussing various hypothetical scenarios, to help educate and encourage positive behaviour. Through SIMS Parent App we will also be sharing some resources with parents.

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