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SU Welcome Ballyclare Youth for Christ

On Wednesday 23rd November 2022, Hannah Rose, Ian and Kate were warmly welcomed to SU as many pupils knew them from Ballyclare Youth for Christ Drop In Centre. Ian immediately got pupils involved with an icebreaker game where pupils had to list things found in the kitchen without showing their teeth. This proved to be quite difficult but also hilarious. Hannah Rose read a passage from Philippians 4, 10-13 and challenged pupils to think about what makes us discontent. The focus was on the many possessions we own but somehow that doesn’t bring us true happiness as we always want the latest gadget, phone or item of fashion. Pupils spent a short time in discussion groups and chatted about this issue.

Weekly Communication Bulletin 26/11/22

Please find below our Weekly Communication Bulletin for Parents and Carers, which has been sent out to you via Sims App.

“Attendance Trophy System"

This week we are recognising and celebrating the highest attending classes across all year groups for the month of September and October (2022). 

The winning classes for Years 8&9 are: 

September = 8W & 9M 

October = 8A & 9M 

There are more assemblies scheduled for this week. 

Lots of applause in the assembly hall this morning for the reintroduction of this positive system that recognise high levels of school attendance. 

Next week, special assemblies will be held, recognising achievement points earned by pupils. 

Photographed are the class reps, alongside their Heads of Year and Mr Nicholl (Head of Pastoral Care). 

EA’s Christmas Family Appeal 2022

The EA’s Christmas Family Appeal 2022 was launched on Thursday 17 November. Over the last 4 years, EA have supported the great work both St Vincent de Paul and The Salvation Army undertake within our communities to bring the magic of Christmas to all our children and young people; to ensure that every child and young person in Northern Ireland wakes up on Christmas morning with a gift under the tree. The theme of the appeal this year is ‘Impossible Choices’ with families having to choose between basic essentials of living, food and heating. As a school, we will be supporting EA in this venture and would invite you to follow the Christmas Family Appeal on their social media platforms #EACFA2022; and watch our Special Christmas edition of EA Now:

Below is a link to the EA JustGiving page for donations.

2nd Place in the NI Futsal Competition

On Thursday 17th November our girls Futsal team travelled to Shankill Leisure Centre to take part in the regional finals (this was a huge success to begin with).

They were winners of 3 matches, drew one and lost one in the play offs. They qualified for the overall final against Edmund Rice College but lost 3-1. The girls were commended at this tournament by the IFA for their success and how brilliantly they played throughout both days, they are a real credit to us all the way they behaved and conducted themselves at both tournaments they attended. To come 2nd overall, from all schools participating in Northern Ireland, is a massive achievement. The girls were awarded silver medals.

Team members were Jenna Henderson, Emma Taylor, Jazmin Houston, Melissa Gault, Skye Agnew, Abi Hayes, Lily Lorimer and Melissa McKeown.

SU - Beth Montgomery from Asia Link

We were delighted to have Beth Montgomery with us on Wednesday 16th November from Asia Link. She spoke about Mongolia; the lifestyle, diet and living conditions there and brought some traditional clothing for the juniors to wear. We learned that ice-cream originated in Mongolia and that they host the world’s largest wrestling competition. She talked a bit about how climate change was impacting the people and forcing the population into cities where they face serious abuse of their human rights. She requested that we remember this nation in our prayers. See some photos below.

SEND Transformation Programme

As part of the Educations Authorities work to transform their Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Services, they
are holding online SEND Transformation Programme information events for parents and carers. Please find further details by clicking below.

Mary Poppins Tickets

Tickets are now on sale for parents/carers of cast members. They will be on general sale from Monday, so please avail of this early opportunity. Cast A is performing on Wednesday 14th December and Cast B Thursday 15th. Seating is not allocated and will operate on a first come first served basis with doors opening at 7pm on both evenings. We thank you for all your support during the rehearsal process and hope you enjoy the show.

Weekly Communication Bulletin 18/11/22

Please find below our Weekly Communication Bulletin for Parents and Carers, along with other documents containing important information which has been sent out to you via Sims App.

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