All News

Ulster U16 Boys’ Golf Championships

BSS were proud to send a team to the Ulster U16 Boys’ Championship at Dungannon Golf Club on Tuesday 7th May. The team included, Ross Patterson, Zac Hay (Captain), Freddie Higgins and Cameron Todd.

Summer Exam Timetables

The Summer Exams for pupils in Years 8-11 will commence on Thursday 30th May and run until Tuesday 4th June. Below you will find the scheduled timetables for each year group. Please note that Year 11 pupils will also be sitting External GCSE Exams and the information for this is also below for your convenience.

Year 8 Summer Timetable '24
Year 9 Summer Timetable '24
Year 10 Summer Timetable '24
Year 11 Summer Timetable '24
Year 11 External GCSE Exam Timetable
Weekly Communication Bulletin 6.5.24

Please find below our Weekly Communication Bulletin for Parents and Carers along with other important documents which have been sent out to you via Sims App.

Weekly Bulletin 6th May 2024
Year 8 Summer Timetable '24
Year 9 Summer Timetable '24
Year 10 Summer Timetable '24
Year 11 Summer Timetable '24
Year 12 Revision Schedule
Year 13 Revision Schedule
Year 14 Revision Schedule
Lost Voices
Bryson Open Days
RAF Build Beyond Boundaries

Virtual Insight into University 2024
Canteen Menu B
Study Leave for Year 12 Pupils

Study Leave has commenced for all Year 12 pupils. Parents & Guardians, a letter from the Acting Principal has been given to your child and will also be available on SIMS Parent App.

Piping and Drumming Success for Isaac and Oliver

We celebrate with two of our year 11 pupils, Oliver McIlwaine and Isaac Wylie, in their success at the Larne Music Festival winning the Top Traditional Group playing a Pipe and Drum duet. They were even sporting their school tie for the occasion!

Samuel Competing in the Fastest40 MX Championship at Foxhill

Samuel Logan (Year 11) demonstrated his skills in Motocross competing in the Fastest40 MX Championship at Foxhill, England last weekend. He applies his learning in the classroom when preparing to compete on the track. Keep it up Samuel!

Year 8 and 9 Athletics Team

Wednesday 1st May - Districts Competition

- Come to school in your PE kit (no non-BSS kit items)

- Meet in the PE department at 8:30am

- Returning to school at approximately 3-3:15pm.

- Bring snacks, lunch and plenty of water

Special Assembly with Brian Stirling

We welcomed Mr Brian Stirling, son of the first Principal of BSS (Mr Bill Stirling) to give the pupils an insight into the man who shaped much of what BSS is today. He included stories of Mr Stirling’s bravery as he served in the Army during WW2, his passion for the education of all but most importantly the desire that every child received ‘a Fair Chance’ to succeed. We’re glad to say that echoes of the past often shape our future.

We are delighted to have Brian Stirling as a guest speaker at our 60th Anniversary Dinner on 1st June.

Exam Tip 1

Get Organised...

- Gather all the materials you will need.

- Tidy and set up your study area.

- Organise your books and folders and speak to teachers about any missing notes before study leave begins.

- Take control of these things before exams begin will help in the long run.

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