Celebration of Success 2022

We were absolutely delighted to host our first ‘Celebration of Success’ afternoon on Wednesday 26th October 2022 at 1pm. It was afternoon for parents, staff (both present and former), special guests and pupils to reflect and celebrate together the achievements of 2021-2022.

A huge well done to our award winners. We congratulate each one of them on their outstanding efforts, growth mindset to improve, perseverance and good old-fashioned hard work! They have much to be proud of, as they achieved a high standard to be recognised for their academic performance or, for their special achievement in a specific area for example sport, music or drama. Striving for excellence is a great thing and, working hard and aiming really high is something to be admired.

We were overwhelmed with the number of people wanting to attend the event, hence, why we had to limit the number of guests to a maximum of 2 per family.

We thank our guest speaker, Mr Liam Perry MBE for presenting the awards and, also for his heartfelt, inspirational speech with key messages for everyone.

Whilst we could not have every pupil winning an award, it is important to recognise that the majority of our pupils do achieve their personal bests and we do acknowledge this. As a school, we take every opportunity to recognise and celebrate the excellence of our pupils across all areas of their achievements. We pride ourselves in adding value to our pupils’ lives, the richness of experience, fostering strengths and growing lifelong skills.

We are a school that is focused on what makes the difference. Clearly, we have a bright future that we are shaping with a healthy admissions number and the announcement of a new school build in years to come.

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