Following the announcement regarding school closures from 20th March 2020, our team have been working on an range of activities to continue to support you and your students.
Many of you will regularly invite us into school or college to attend Careers Fairs and deliver talks and workshops on various topics related to HE decision making and skills development. The attached overview document highlights the talks and sessions that are still available for you;
We want to respond to what you need from us; please get in touch if you have any feedback on the topics you would like to hear about, delivery methods, and with any other ideas.
In relation to our face to face activity, we’re continuing to plan for our summer events including the Lancashire HE Exhibition, Summer Residentials, Open Days and Subject Taster Days and we will keep in touch as soon as decisions are made about whether they will take place as planned, will be postponed or will be delivered via an alternative platform.
As you would expect, it is unlikely that the Health and Social Care Taster Day (28/04), the Law Taster Day (29/04) and the Teachers and Careers Advisors Conference (01/05) will take place on campus and we will provide further detail about these events after Easter to advise how we are moving forward.
You may also hear from our Faculty of Education who have also developed a dedicated hub of resources to support engagement and learning over the coming months. The resources have been pooled from various sources and cover a wide range of different subject areas. Please do feel free to share the details with your students.
To find out more about anything in the attached overview, please reply to this email. We will continue to review how we can support you, and whilst we are very conscious of the pressures you are facing, we will keep in touch as we update our offer. We will also provide information in relation to how we are communicating with 2020 applicants about their transition and entry to University, and any other key Edge Hill messages.