(Single/Double Award)
Specification / Exam board: CCEA
This broad based qualification gives students the opportunity to study an eclectic range of subjects relevant to the health, social care and early years sectors. The qualification will appeal to students with an interest in health and well-being and the care of others. Students will acquire skills that are valued in further and higher education, as well as in the workplace. These include research, investigation, analysis, communication, problem solving and working with others.
The GCE (Single Award) Health and Social Care specification consists of 3 AS and 3 A2 units.
The GCE (Double Award) consists of 6 AS units and 6 A2 units.
A work placement may form part of the course. This will be in an area of health, social care and early years relevant to the area being studied in order to gather research information to aid report writing.
Criteria for Entry
Entry requirements for GCE AS Health & Social Care (Single Award / Double Award):
GCSE Grade B or above in one of the subjects listed below for Single Award/two of the subjects listed below for Double Award:
Business Studies, Child Development, English, English Literature, Geography, History, Food and Nutrition, Physical Education, Religious Studies, Single Award Science, Double Award Science, Biology, Leisure, Travel and Tourism, Psychology.
Assessment Format
Internal assessment involves the completion of a written report which is restricted to a word count limit. External assessment involves the completion of a two hour exam paper which contains 3 questions.

Summary of the structures of AS and A2—Single and Double Award

Career Opportunities
This course aims to prepare individuals for careers in the Health Sector including: Nursing, Midwifery, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Clinical Science, Health Education and Promotion, Counselling, Social Work, Early Years, Child Care or Teaching.
This subject requires students to do the following:
- Undertake thorough and independent research
- Apply information researched to a specific health, social care or early years setting
- Write comprehensively and succinctly to meet word counts set by CCEA
- Have an excellent attendance record to ensure work is kept up to date and to have a full understanding of course content and requirements.
Useful web links
Department of Education Northern Ireland
Early Years organisation for young children
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
Department of Health
Health and Safety Executive Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action
NI Direct
Health and Social Care Online
Public Health Agency
The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority
Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Health Careers
Skills for Care
World Health Organization
Care Home information
Health and Care Professions Council
Northern Ireland Social Care Council
Nursing and Midwifery Council