Health and Social Care

Overview/Aims of the Learning Area

Health and Social Care is a stimulating, relevant and interesting subject. The health, social care and early years sectors are major employers in Northern Ireland.

  • By choosing this subject you will be given the opportunity to study a wide range of subjects including communication, health promotion, family issues and quality care.
  • This subject develops knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to degrees in nursing, allied health professions, social sciences, social work and early years.
  • You will have the opportunity to develop valuable skills such as research, analysis, communication, working with others, independent learning, creative thinking and problem solving.

Mrs A McCrea (Subject Leader)
Mrs J Beggs
Miss S Clarke
Mrs L Chambers
Mrs A Cunningham
Mrs K Pedlow


  • The subject of Health and Social and Social Care is delivered within the Home Economics Department of the school.
  • It has access to 3 multi-purpose classrooms with 20 computers and a printer in each room.
  • Each room has a promethean board with a computer link to the C2K network and Apple TV.
  • The subject is also delivered within a large attractive classroom which has access to 20 laptops.
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