French is compulsory for all pupils in years 8, 9 and 10 and the current timetable allocation is 3 periods of French for pupils in Key Stage 3.
Schemes of Work
Schemes of work are kept in a file in the department and they are regularly reviewed and updated if required. The content is chosen not only to ensure complete coverage of the Entitlement Framework objectives, but also to stimulate, motivate and interest pupils.
Topics covered include self, family, house, home, leisure, holidays, weather, town and directions, food and drink, school, shopping and travelling.
Pupils are assessed using a range of strategies in order to determine the most accurate assessment of a pupil’s ability.
On-going informal assessment
Progress is constantly monitored and teaching is adapted if necessary:
vocabulary tests; grammar tests; oral, written, listening and reading exercises as classwork; effective questioning and homework.
Formal assessment
Agreed common assessment and homework tasks are identified for each year group.
Summative assessment
November and June examinations.