Key Stage 3
At Ks3 we want to develop a love and appreciation of music in every child. Every child has the opportunity to learn how to play the keyboard, ukulele, bass guitar and percussion instruments thoughout the 3 year course.
The Year 8 Scheme of Work will include the following Units of Work.
- Keyboard Skills
- Introduction to Music
- Fanfares
- Elements of Music
It is hoped that in the first year pupils will acquire a basic knowledge of
- Music Theory
- Keyboard Skills
- The Elements of Music
- Develop listening skills
- Develop performance skills
- Develop composing skills
Pupils will be assessed in the following areas.

The Year 9 Scheme of Work will include the following units.
The History of Music
- Medieval
- Renaissance
- Baroque
- Classical
- Romantic
- 20th Century
Keyboard Skills - This will build upon the work started in year 8. They will develop their range of notes as well as looking at accidentals.
During these periods pupils will listen to perform relevant pieces of music. They will learn about musical devices and form and structure.
Pupils will have the opportunity to compose in the style of the period. It is expected that they will be able to use some of the musical devices discussed in each period to show understanding.
It is hoped that in this year pupils will acquire knowledge and develop their existing skills in
- Music theory
- Keyboard skills
- The History of Music
- Develop listening skills
- Develop performance skills
- Develop composing skills
Pupils will be assessed in the following areas

The Year 10 Scheme of Work will include the following units.
Film Music
12 Bar Blues
Rock and Rock
Chord Structures
Keyboard Skills will develop through material from each of the units and in addition there will be an introduction to the bass guitar.
Pupils will continue to develop their listening skills and will be introduced to a wide variety of styles of music covered within each unit of work.
Composition skills will develop through the form and structures studied in these units and pupils will have the opportunity to develop composition in a variety of styles relating to the units of work.
It is hoped that in this year pupils will acquire knowledge and develop their existing skills in
- Music theory
- Keyboard skills
- The development of popular music
- Structure and form and in particular chord structures
- Develop listening skills
- Develop performance skills
- Develop composing skills
Pupils will be assessed in the following areas
The photos below show Year 10 pupils during their group work rehearsal now includingKeyboard, Bass Guitar, Ukulele and Percussion.

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