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Important COVID Update - School Closure

Dear parent / carer,
It has come to our attention this evening that a pupil who was in Ballyclare Secondary School on Thursday 20th August, has since tested positive for COVID-19.
Our school is cleaned every day and was cleaned on Friday afternoon. However, to comply with guidance, our school will not be open tomorrow to allow for the 72 hour incubation period from the last clean.
Year 12 & 14 pupils will then start their term on Tuesday 25th August.
To protect the pupil's confidentiality we cannot share the name. Track & Trace have been informed and school are taking all appropriate mitigation measures.
The school building will be a safe place to return to on Tuesday 25th August.
Kind regards,
Mrs K Bell


Year 14 and Year 12

Just a reminder that all pupils will need to bring a pack lunch for this incoming week as there is a stay on-site policy in place and the school canteen will not be open until Tuesday 1st September.

Important Information for Restarting School

We are looking forward to welcoming back our pupils into school after a very challenging number of months. We have been working over the last number of weeks to ensure that our school will be a COVID- safe, welcoming and supportive environment. To allow this to happen there have been a number of new measures and procedures which have been put in place. Please take time to read over the three documents below and share the information with your children so they now what to expect. We hope this will make them feel more comfortable about returning to a school environment and help releave any anxiety or concerns.

Letter to Parents and Carers from Mrs Bell
Letter to Parents and Carers from Mr P Weir, Minister of Education
School Restart Information for Parents
Starting Dates For Each Year Group

We are delighted that we are able to now bring pupils back to school on a full time basis. To allow this to happen smoothly there will be a staggered start to the year with a new year group starting each day. Please find all the information below.

Information Regarding GCSE Results Day

Please find below information for Year 12 pupils on procedures to follow when collecting results on Thursday 20th August. Also provided is the requirements to return to school, the Sixth Year Options Booklet and the application form which can be printed and return to the school office or the google forms version can be completed by following this link.

Procedures for collecting results
Application form to return to Sixth Form
Sixth Year Options Booklet

Information on collecting results for Year 13 and 14

Please find below information for Year 13 and 14 pupils on procedures to follow when collecting results on Thursday 13th August. We look forward to seeing many of our Year 14 pupils and to get the opportunity to say goodbye before you move onto the next chapter of your lives.

Results Arrangements

“Moving on up- transfer support pack” for P7 pupils with ASD

The Education Authority have now released their online “Moving on up- transfer support pack” for P7  pupils with ASD. Please follow the link below to the AAIS webpage on the EA website.

Please ensure that you read the introduction section and then fill out the Individual Pupil Profile (IPP) and send it back to us.

Emily Campbell is awarded the BTEC Gold Award for Child and Social Care Learner of the Year 2020


The exceptional achievements of Northern Ireland’s Emily Campbell from Ballyclare Secondary School and Stefanie McCluskey from Belfast Metropolitan College were celebrated today as they were awarded the prestigious BTEC Awards for Child and Social Care Learner of the Year 2020 and Sport Learner of the Year 2020 respectively.

Emily was recognised for her hard work and positivity, as well as her passion and drive for her future career path and continuous support for others inside and outside of college. Emily's hard work and dedication was celebrated at the tenth anniversary of Pearson’s annual BTEC Awards hosted online on 25 June 2020 at 2pm.  

Principal Mrs K Bell commented : "As Principal of Ballyclare Secondary School I am absolutely delighted that Emily Campbell has been crowned the winner of the BTEC Child and Social Care Learner of the Year 2020.

This is fantastic news for Emily, the teachers who deliver the course and for the whole Ballyclare Secondary School community.

It is always a thoroughly enjoyable experience to celebrate in the success of our young people. This fantastic achievement is well deserved. Emily is an exemplary pupil.

Emily is a true representation of everything we stand for in Ballyclare Secondary School. She is a hardworking, dedicated and talented young person who is a credit to her family, our school and she is an inspiration to fellow pupils.

In Ballyclare Secondary School, we provide a rewarding educational experience where expectations are high for holistic development of young people. The recognition of achievement can be the very thing that makes us push ourselves on and strive to be better in order to reach our full potential. Emily has embraced our school ethos in every way.

Emily has been a wonderful pupil from the moment she joined Ballyclare Secondary School. She is an enthusiastic learner and this award reflects her tremendous work ethic, determination and her enjoyment of learning.

Emily’s achievement is testament to the quality of the teaching she has experienced over the two years of this course. The hard work, dedication, commitment and enthusiasm of the staff who deliver this course is reflected in this amazing achievement."

Emily Campbell, commented: "I was so pleased when my teacher even thought to nominate me for the award and I certainly never expected to be the winner. It is such an honour to be recognised in this way. Thank you to everyone involved.”

The Head of Home Economics, Mrs R Duncan commented : "I am extremely proud of Emily winning this Award and absolutely delighted for her and her family. Emily is a talented pupil who was fully committed to her course, she made a great impression on staff in the Home Economics department and on her placement. During her time in Ballyclare Secondary school she has developed the perfect qualities for a career in nursing and I wish her every success."

Goodbye Year 14!

The ethos of Ballyclare Secondary School is that every pupil should have a rewarding educational experience.

As a pupil of our school you have been guided onto the way you should go, academically, physically, socially and spiritually. From the moment you joined us in Year 8 or for some in Year 13, teachers have not just taught you the content of a curriculum or an exam syllabus they have worked alongside you, supported you and shared many happy times with you. Your time in Ballyclare Secondary School has been a rewarding experience for you and for staff. As a school, we have gained so much because you were our pupils.

Even though Year 14 ended earlier than we hoped, you are now ready to move on from Ballyclare Secondary School and whilst you may be feeling mixed emotions about that you should look back and be happy because of your school days the lessons learned, the achievements in so many different areas and the friendships made.

You have all grown and developed in so many ways over the years and that is what being at school is really all about. You have learnt life skills alongside subject knowledge, you have built the solid foundation that will enable you to take up your position in society and to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. What is truly important is that you keep on learning about life because there is so much to discover!

It is time to move on to take the next step in the journey and I hope you have been equipped by being a pupil of this school to do this with confidence.

In Deuteronomy Chapter 31 and Verse 8 we read these very meaningful words for those who are about to leave school.

“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

It has been a great privilege to share this journey with you and as Principal of our great school; I want you to keep giving your best to every task, keep learning and growing, be proud of your school and build your own success story!

Mrs K Bell


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