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Free Parent/Carers Support Courses Available

Due to popular demand, further courses have been released

Understanding Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Thursday 20th June
Free online course via zoom

Understanding Autism
Tuesday 25th June
Free online course via zoom

Success at the Families First Awards

Following a very enjoyable evening we are delighted to share our success at the Families First Awards 2024 with Ms Miniss receiving a Special Award for 20 years Service and the whole School receiving the award of Highly Commended in the 'School of the Year - North Region' category.

Kofi signed for Motherwell FC

We love to hear of all the places, jobs and even countries where past pupils find themselves. One past pupil, Kofi Balmer, having completed his A Levels at BSS embarked on a professional football career. He has just been snapped up by Motherwell FC for the incoming season. Well Done Kofi!

Weekly Communication Bulletin 17.6.24

Please find below our Weekly Communication Bulletin for Parents and Carers along with other important documents which have been sent out to you via Sims App.

Weekly Bulletin 17th June 2024
Get into Construction
Army Careers Newsletter
Civil Service Apprenticeships
Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is an increasingly common long term condition in children and young people with an estimated number of over 36,000 children in the UK with diabetes under the age of 19 and it has risen over recent years. To mark Diabetes Awareness Week, take a moment to familiarise yourself with the warning signs.

Oliver Awarded 2nd Place in the Young Handlers Competition

Well done to Year 11 student Oliver T who came 2nd during Saturday's Young Handlers competition at the Armagh County Show. He also picked up 2nd place the previous week at Ballymoney Show. Well done Oliver!

Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance for the 2024/25

If you are in receipt of one of the following, you will need to upload a Proof of Benefit letter when applying for Free School Meals and Uniform Allowance for the 2024/25 academic year:

Income Support

Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance

Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit

To be ready for when applications open on the EA Connect portal on 18 June, you can request a Proof of Benefit letter now, by clicking here. It will take at least five days to be sent to you.

If you receive Tax Credits or Universal Credit, you do not need the Proof of Benefit Letter. However, you will still need to upload evidence of these benefits when you apply.

More information on eligibility and supporting documentation can be found at

Our 60th Anniversary Fundraising Dinner

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who joined us on Saturday 1st June 2024 to celebrate our 60th Anniversary. We had a lovely evening at Dunadry Hotel & Gardens. Special thanks to:

Our very talented musicians.

Our horticulture class & Mrs Williams for the beautiful flowers.

Ms Russell for the amazing balloon display.

Brian Stirling, our First Principal’s son for sharing stories and his inspirational speech.

Colin Graham, former pupil for the entertainment.

Our Anniversary Dinner Committee for organising everything from the start to the finish.

Dunadry Hotel & Gardens for the beautiful venue.

Special thanks to Sam Hagan, former pupil, who was instrumental in the organisation of the night.

Raymond Hill, former pupil, for his drive and auctioneering skills.

Pamela Ballantine for compering the night's proceedings and your wonderful personality.

Thank you also to all those businesses who kindly donated fabulous prizes for the raffle and auction. We hope all the lucky winners enjoy their prizes.

Most Improved Player for Alfie

Further Pupil Excellence for Alfie Connolly (Year 8 who plays for Ridgeway Rovers Football Club) has been presented with the 'Most Improved Player' of the Year Award. Alfie also contributes in the BSS Community playing for the Year 8 Football Team.

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