Specification/Exam Board: CCEA
Criteria for Entry: Grade B or above in GCSE Geography
AS Level
Unit 1 Physical Geography – worth 40% of AS and 16% A level
This unit includes
- Processes and features in fluvial environments
- Human interaction within fluvial environments
- Global biomes
- Small scale ecosystems
- The processes that shape our weather and
Weather in the British Isles - Global weather issues
Unit 2 Human Geography – worth 40% of AS and 16% A level
This unit includes
- Population data
- Population change
- Population and resources
- Settlement change
- Planning in rural environments
- Urban challenges
- Measuring development
- Reducing the development gap
- Emerging markets
Unit 3 Fieldwork Skills and Techniques– worth 20% of AS and 8% A level
In this unit students actively collect data through fieldwork and are assessed on their ability to present, analyse, interpret and evaluate their data and techniques. In addition there are questions which require a response to quantitative and qualitative data from secondary sources.
During the course of the year students undertake a fieldwork investigation which requires an overnight stay.
These units are assessed as external written exams. Papers 1 and 2 assess units 1 and 2 respectively and are composed of short structured questions in Section A and extended writing questions in Section B. Both these papers are 1hour and 15 minutes duration. Paper 3 assesses fieldwork and responses to quantitative and qualitative data from secondary sources.
A2 Level
Assessment takes the format of 3 external exams, each lasting 1 hour 30 minutes.
Unit 1. Physical Geography. – worth 24% of final exam
Section 1 Physical Geography
This also includes 2 options from 4 available.
Option A – Plate Tectonics – Theory and Outcomes*
Option B – Tropical Ecosystems -Nature and Sustainability
Option C – Dynamic Coastal Environments*
Option D – Climate Change – Pat and Present
Unit 2 Human Geography – worth 24% of final exam
Section 1 Human Geography
There are 4 options from which students will study two.
Option A – Cultural Geography*
Option B – Planning for Sustainable Settlements*
Option C – Ethnic Diversity
Option D – Tourism*
Unit 3 Decision Making in Geography – worth 12%of A Level
In this unit students develop decision making skills in a real world scenario. They identify and analyse appropriate material, examine conflicting issues and make and justify recommendations.
* indicates the options studied within this section.