Specification/Exam Board: CCEA
All pupils sit 2 written papers and submit 1 piece of Controlled Assessment. As well as being assessed on their knowledge of the topics candidates must also demonstrate their quality of their written communication.
Unit 1 Understanding Our Natural World (Paper 1) – worth 40%
This unit covers 3 physical geography themes and is taught in Year 11.
- The Dynamic Landscape – involves the study of rivers and coasts
- Our Changing Weather and Climate – involves measuring the weather, weather affecting the British Isles and the causes and consequences of climate change
- The Restless Earth – involves the study of rock types, plate tectonics and earthquakes
Unit 2 Living in Our Natural World (Paper2) – worth 40%
This unit covers 3 human geography themes and is taught in Year 12
- People and Where They Live – the study of population, settlement and urbanisation
- Contrasts in World Development – includes the development gap, factors contributing to unequal development and sustainable solutions.
- Managing Our Resources – includes waste management and sustainable tourism
Unit 3 Fieldwork Report – worth 20%
This takes the form of Controlled Assessment and consists of an investigative study, based on primary data collection. The topic usually involves the study of a river and is undertaken as a whole group but candidates complete their own fieldwork report of no more than 2000 words. The task is set and moderated by CCEA but marked by the Geography teacher.