Specification/Exam Board: CCEA
Business and Services is part of the suite of Occupational Studies Qualifications. These qualifications are an equivalent to GCSE and provide a hands-on approach to learning. This subject is suited to those pupils who enjoy learning in a scenario based ‘out-of-school’ contexts.
Business and Services gives pupils the opportunities to sample work-related learning and to develop their skills in literacy, numeracy and ICT.
Course contents include:
Unit 14 Using Office Technology (Year 11)
This unit provides learners with a basic knowledge and understanding of administration practice together with the skills necessary to pursue careers as secretaries, administrators, receptionists or call centre personnel. Students will learn how to use a range of technological equipment found in the modern office, as well as develop their proofreading skills.
Using office technology covers the following key areas;
- The use of electronic equipment
- Health and safety issues when using office technology
- Environmental issues relating to the use of office technology
- Events planning
- Career opportunities in office administration
Unit 10 Modern Retailing (Year 12)
Retailing is one of the largest employing sectors in Northern Ireland and this unit is designed to allow the learner to gain an understanding of the jobs available in the retail industry. Students will develop their skills in handling customer enquiries and will learn how to deal with stock. Health and safety issues will be an important aspect of the unit.
Modern retailing covers the following key areas;
- Understanding the scope of the retail industry
- Career opportunities in the retail industry
- Handling customer enquiries and complaints
- Receiving customer payments
- Merchandising skills
- Health and safety and security issues in the retail industry
- Environmental issues in retail

The Unit 14 portfolio completed in Year 11, allows students to obtain a Level 1 Occupational Studies qualification in Business and Services. When combined with the Unit 10 portfolio completed in year 12, pupils obtain a Level 2 award overall. This is the equivalent to a GCSE grade. Portfolios are graded based on scores, which are then translated into the following grades;
- Distinction *
- Distinction
- Merit
- Pass