Why study this subject?
Studying drama at GCSE lets employers know that you have a great set of skills. Even if you don’t want a career in the performing arts, you will have highly sought after transferable skills. These include:
- Oral communication skills
- Creative problem-solving skills
- Motivation and commitment
- Willingness to work co-operatively
- Ability to work independently
- Time-management skills
- Initiative
- Promptness and respect for deadlines
- Acceptance of rules
- Respect for colleagues
- Respect for authority
- Adaptability and flexibility
- Increased confidence
Summary of Assessment

Progression Pathways
You can study Performing Arts at A Level and specialise in stage design, direction or performance. There are more careers in the Performing Arts Industry than just performance jobs.
Career Opportunities
Production crew, lighting and sound technician, stage management, youth work, community arts, social work, management, solicitor, PR, actor, teacher, creative technology, IT, Hospitality, Tourism.
Points to consider
A high level of literacy is needed for this subject.