Learning for Life and Work is taught through three strands of Citizenship, Personal Development and Education for Employability:

Year 8

Citizenship – Diversity and Inclusion
This Year 8 unit focuses on introducing pupils to the basic skills and concepts of the subject, and emphasizes the attitudes that the study of Learning for Life and Work will allow a young person to transfer to the outside world. Pupils should also gain an understanding of the importance of the following concepts in the study of the subject:

  • Diversity, Inclusion, Self-esteem, Cultural Identity, Sectarianism & Racism.

Personal Development – Feelings and Decisions
This Year 8 unit focuses on concepts of health and feelings. Pupils develop an understanding of promoting their own health and safety, and on how to reduce risk, through work on drug abuse. The concept of relationships is introduced, linking to the school’s year 8 pastoral work on friendship and anti-bullying. The following concepts are introduced:

  • Health, Emotions, Feelings, Safety, Relationships, Friendship.

Education for Employability – What is Employability?
This Year 8 unit focuses on introducing pupils to the world of work, and their own developing skills. The concept of career management is introduced, and goals are set. The wider world of work, and the major recent changes in it, is briefly explored, as is enterprise.

  • Skills, Roles, Goals, Targets, Enterprise, Global.

Year 9

Citizenship – Democracy
This Year 9 unit focuses on the concepts of democracy and participation. Pupils develop an understanding of how the democratic process in the United Kingdom works, and their part in it. The pupils are encouraged to think about how they can promote positive change, through campaigning and volunteering. There is an opportunity for contact with local elected representatives. The following concepts are introduced:

  • Parliament, Democracy, Issues, Campaigning, Volunteering & Representation.

Personal Development – Health Awareness
This Year 9 unit focuses on concepts of health and feelings. Pupils develop an understanding of promoting their own health and safety, and on how to reduce risk, through work on drug abuse, with a focus on the dangers of smoking. The concept of conflict is introduced, and strategies on dealing with stress and other situations is introduced. The following concepts are introduced:

  • Strengths and Limitations, Coping Strategies, Risk, Rules & Tobacco.

Education for Employability – Employment Issues
This Year 9 unit focuses on wider issues around the world of work, and the ways in which different employment areas relate. The difference between the sectors is developed, and ways to resolve conflict are discussed. The following concepts are introduced:

  • Public and Private, Business, Working relations, Environmental Concerns, Health and Safety.

Year 10

Citizenship – Equality
This Year 10 unit focuses on concepts of equality and social justice, through a discussion of human rights and in particular their relevance in Northern Ireland. An international dimension is introduced through a focus on South Africa. Local issues of discrimination and ways to tackle this are also developed. The following concepts are introduced:

  • Equality, Justice, Poverty, Ethnicity, Discrimination, Refugee

Personal Development – Study Skills
This Year 10 unit focuses on concepts of learning, and aids on revision and coping with exam stress are introduced. A mature approach to learning, study and revision is encouraged. The following concepts are introduced:

  • Learning Styles, Control, Responsibility, Stress, Coping Strategies
  • An additional First Aid Training course is also delivered in Year 10.

Education for Employability – Making Plans
This Year 10 unit focuses on concepts of decision making, through collaboration and complementation of the Year 10 Careers course. Aid is given in choosing GCSE options. The concept of long-term planning, review and constant development and updating is stressed. The following concepts are introduced:

  • SMART targets, Self-marketing, Interpersonal skills, Advertising, Planning, Development.
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